As if the pounding I took on the weekend wasn't enough, I had a 3500 m swim this morning. 3500 meters!!! The swim in Ironman is 3800 meters. So I swam almost the entire race distance this morning. Took me an hour and 26 minutes. Not bad considering 800 m of it was pull (which I suck at) and 400 m of it was kick which is always slower than swimming, at least for me. I'm thinking that a 1:10 swim might ACTUALLY be possible, as long as I get myself in the right spot at the start.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Whirlwind Weekend
Wow, where the hell did it go? This weekend has been nuts. I've barely had a minute to sit down and relax. Yesterday was the Tri For A Cure Spinathon. I needed new bike shorts so I went out in the morning looking for shorts rushed back home, packed up the car and drove up to Absolute Endurance to help Rick and Sue get set up. Spent 5 hours there, 4 of them on our bikes, sweating our faces off. Went out for dinner afterwards, didn't get home until almost 9:00 pm. I fell asleep in the car I was so tired. Got up at 7:00 am on Sunday, ate breakfast, donned my running stuff and hit the road with Sue for a 2 hour run. Got home, stretched, showered and hopped in the car to the Outdoor Adventure Show to help out at the Running Free Booth for 3 hours. Now I'm exhausted and I still have to pack my bag and have a bath. I have a 3500m swim tomorrow. Good GOD. Next weekend is going to be busy too. I'm getting my hair cut on Saturday and I have some running around to do. We're racing the Chilly Half Marathon in Burlington on Sunday and my birthday is on Monday. WHEEEEEEEEE!!!
How many more days till South Carolina??? I really need a vacation!!!
How many more days till South Carolina??? I really need a vacation!!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
It's Been A While...

since I've been on here but I am in full tri-geek mode now. I just found out I got accepted to Team Running Free! WOOOHOOOO! I'm very excited. I spent 3 hours riding on the computrainer today with Gary and a bunch of our other friends at Absolute Endurance. I tried to pace myself so I didn't die like I did the last time. It kind of worked. My legs were still really sore at the 2 hour mark but I don't think I was as bad as the last time and I still had enough left in the tank to push 230-301 watts for the last km, which is HUGE. It almost killed me to do it but I did. Then of course I get slagged for not working as hard as I should have on the bike because if I did I wouldn't have had anything left to push that wattage. Whatever. I do tend to take it a little easier on the bike just because I don't know how to pace myself properly and I don't want to blow up. I've blown up on the bike before and it's not pretty. Especially when you've still got a long way back. Gary keeps telling me it's ok for that to happen because each time it happens it will take longer for it to happen the next time. Bah. If it's happening every time I go out, I won't want to go out any more. Anyway, I get another chance to ride on the computrainer next week during the Spin-a-thon. Rick and Sue have put together a spinathon at Absolute Endurance to benefit Tri For A Cure again. Should be a really good time!
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